Monday, 27 May 2013

Sunshine and Rainbows!

Well the sun is out but so is the wind! With all of the dust flying around, we have unfortunately spent most of our time inside the past few days. We have been enjoying a rainbow theme this week. Our literacy links this week were Magic School Bus Makes a Rainbow and What Makes a Rainbow. I decided not to use the book The Rainbow fish  because there is so much you can do with it and I wanted to use it on its own another week. 

We completed two paper 
rainbow crafts. Today our task was to create a paper rainbow.  First we talked about the colours of the rainbow and the order that they follow. Next we matched construction paper colours to the rainbow colours. We tore strips of construction paper into smaller pieces. This was a great fine motor task for the little tots as they had to use their "pincher" fingers to tear the paper. Once we had all of the paper torn into smaller pieces, we used glue sticks to trace the rainbow lines. After that we glued our smaller pieces of paper into the correct spots. This was a longer task with lots of repetition but the kids stuck to it and created beautiful masterpieces. 

On Thursday we created 'jumping 
rainbow . I used this as a fine motor task. I cut the paper into strips then the kids applied glue at each end Once glued, they flipped the paper over and made the rainbows jump on the paper.

When it was finally nice enough to head outside, we were able to make chalk rainbows on the road and deck. We had mini rainbows everywhere!

Usually we use our coloured beads to make bead pattern necklaces. This week we used them for matching and sorting. We focused on colour sorting. The kids loved sorting their beads into colour columns. They also loved when I sorted them with a 'mistake' that they had to fix. 

Until next week! 

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